Monday, February 25, 2008

Drilling and Grilling

I tagged along with Roger as he went to work on Saturday so I could see the drill in action. Here are some of my pictures....

The main road --- deep, soft sand makes driving sometimes a challenge and seeing big trucks stuck is an everyday occurrence.

Sunday is a day off for DeWet workers, so Roger and I drove to the nearest grocery store (100 km each way!) to get the makings for a Sunday braii (BBQ). We invited fellow Canadians Kelly and Ray, and Randy from Kansas (wearing the cowboy hat and boots!) who all work at Saber Energy to join Roger, Scott and me for dinner. The other two drillers from S. Africa got home later but enjoyed leftovers.
(left to right) Roger, Kelly, Ray, ScottScott (left) and Randy (right)

Roger helping with the cooking!

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