Wednesday, December 01, 2021

Magical, marvelous Maui!

Anyone who knows me, knows that patience has never been one of my virtues.  Covid-19 taught me to put the brakes on plans, lessen expectations, and dream of better days ahead.  Chalk one up for Covid.

Almost two years ago, Brad and Anette asked us to join them on a trip to Hawaii in April 2020 when they were scheduled to go on the annual Valve (Brad's company) trip.  The location was to be Kauai, and we were super excited.  Hanging out with Brad, Anette, and Magnus in a gorgeous location, with all the fun Valve perks -- we couldn't wait!

Then March 2020 came with initial concerns of us traveling because we were over 60 (good God - we're in THAT category!) and then travel restrictions shut everything down and eliminated any chance of traveling.  Brad said not to worry, and we'd go another time.  Cue the patience.

Valve planned another company trip in August 2021 and we once again got excited.  We booked PCR tests in Vancouver which were the only labs at the time approved by Hawaii, and we started to think it was actually going to happen.  Then Hawaii got hit hard, their hospitals were over capacity and the Governor asked people to stay away.  Brad and Anette didn't feel it was the right time to go, and we totally agreed.  Brad felt there would be a window of opportunity in mid November before cases would probably spike after Thanksgiving, so booked us from November 12th - 22nd.  It was like he threaded a needle because we arrived home just as Omicron was making the news.

What a trip.  I normally research and plan things up the wazoo, but Brad planned everything and we wouldn't have changed a moment.

Champagne to start!
A thumbs up from Roger was an understatement. I was ready to do handstands.

We stayed at the Wailea Beach Resort, that spans 22 acres right on the ocean.  Several pools and a gigantic water slide made it a perfect beach holiday.

We rented a cabana the first day and I just wanted to pinch myself that we were finally all together.

Magnus was in the water all the time. 
Each day he found friends to play with when the adults ran out of steam!

RaRa made a good springboard!

Fly Magnus - fly!

The waterslide is the biggest one in Hawaii
The hotel had everything except an elevator to the top of the slides! 
The ride down made it worth it though!

Roger coming out of the chute.  Think Space Mountain but in water --- a blast!

Lunch time at the pool

Cannon balls were the entry of choice into the pool where we liked to hang out. 
Perfect location by the slide but quieter and most of the time we had it to ourselves.

We hit the beach a couple of times and despite getting pummeled by waves, we had a great time.  While snorkeling, Magnus, Anette and Brad came across turtles - a remarkable sight to see.

Magnus loved seeing turtles!

We did a couple of day trips to interesting spots around the Island.  The first was to the Iao Valley State Park - a lush mountainous area famous for the Iao Needle - once used as a lookout for soldiers in battles that took place in the late 1700's.  

At some point Brad turned into a giant and I became a Munchkin!

Our family!

Another day we walked around Haleakala National Park.  We couldn't get a pass to enter to see the sunrise, but we were treated to blue skies and then fog that rolled in like in a movie.  

Magnus is a great photographer!

View from the lookout

The fog rolled in and we could see it move up the mountain.

These two guys --- love 'em!

Magnus took this one

This is the Silversword flower - a rare flower that grows at high elevations.
It can live 100 years, but only blooms once.

Next on Brad's tour was to Maui Wines.  The wines were as lovely as the estate.

After wines, we went to Surfing Goat Dairy Farm where we had a goat cheese tasting and then toured the farm.  The cheeses were amazing!

Magnus got to feed the goats which he had fun doing

One night when we were on our own for dinner, we had a bottle of
champagne outside on our lanai while playing Scrabble and eating pizza. 
Then, later that night we saw the lunar eclipse which was spectacular!  A perfect evening.

Roger and I are always up early, so I would get Magnus and bring him back to our room for breakfast.  We were usually the first ones at the pool, and I loved every minute of it.
At the pool with Magnus
Magnus found a tiny gecko "swimming" in the pool.

Koi pond at the hotel

Brad and Anette had a few date nights, so we got to have Magnus for dinner and sleepovers.  We were happy for Brad and Anette who during Covid weren't able to go out, and we were happy for us to have one on one time with Magnus.  Definitely a win-win deal for everyone!

Cocktails for two!

Roger took Magnus to get a shaved ice - Magnus loved it

Magnus has become a football fan, so he and Roger had a great time
watching games and providing play by play analysis!

Roger and Magnus had fun hitting the game room

Roger and Magnus playing cards and me just lounging!

We took Magnus out for dinner where Magnus declared
it was "the best cheese and pepperoni pizza ever made"!

Magnus took a ukulele lesson then serenaded us later that evening 

Crazy kids 💗

Anette celebrated her birthday while we were in Maui and we had
a great dinner at Tommy Bahamas.

Happy birthday Anette!

On our last night, we went to Makena Beach and found a geocache which
is our latest hobby --- thanks to Anette and Magnus for getting us hooked on it!

Gorgeous sunset at Makena Beach

The hotel was spectacular

Hanging out in the lobby before taking our cab back to the airport.

Before we knew it, we were saying goodbye to Brad, Anette and Magnus.  It was simply a "pinch yourself" holiday.  Hanging with our family is what we hoped for.  Hanging with our family in such a beautiful place was what we dreamed for.

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