Monday, August 26, 2019

Happy Daze

I swear I could be a spokesperson for Vancouver Island Tourism because I think there is no place like it in the world.  There hasn't a day gone by since we settled on the island in 2015 that I haven't said, "Wow" and it just never gets old.

With our move to Brentwood Bay, we welcomed lots of visitors - some stayed with us, and others spent the day on the boat or touring around with us.

Great friends from Calgary: John and Laurel MacPhail were in Sidney for a few days and we spent a glorious Saturday on the boat with a trip to Ganges Harbour on Salt Spring Island.  As we headed out the inlet, we were treated to quite a show from some sea lions thrashing about as they devoured a huge fish.
Paul and Paula Williams - former neighbours and dear friends of ours from Calgary.  We took them to a winery overlooking the ocean and reminisced about crazy block parties held on Sunhaven Road.

We were thrilled to get a text from Tracey Helms (we met Tracey, Matt and Matti while living in Hermosillo, Mexico in 2010) saying that she and her family were going to visit Victoria for a day while on a trip to Seattle and the Olympic peninsula.

Tracey and I volunteered at Ciudad de los Ninos (a residential village for vulnerable women and children), and bonded over some of the hilarious experiences.  Our favorite one which we still crack up over was coming back from Christmas holidays to find 50 raw chickens (that Roger's company had donated money for) were packed into the huge freezer without being put into Ziploc bags.  We had to chip away at the iceberg of chickens in order to disperse them to the cottages!

We had a wonderful day despite the rain, and we picked up as if we'd seen each other last week.

Clockwise left to right:  Tracey, Matt, Matti, Emma (Matti's friend), me and Roger
Our next visitors were Barb and Rob Perry from Parksville (originally from Calgary).  We also took them to Salt Spring Island by boat as well as a trip to a winery for a tasting.

Next up....friends for more than 40 years, Kathy and Randy Cardon from Calgary.  They've visited us in Idaho, Spain, Colombia, and in all our homes on the Island.  Our own version of Frequent Flyers!

Roger took Randy fishing one day -- they caught and released several dogfish sharks and brought home a small halibut.  Good thing I had a "Plan B" for dinner!

While the boys were fishing, Kathy and I did a tasting at a local cidery.

Magnus turned 6 and we were happy to spend his birthday with him.  Being a grandparent has got to be the best gig out there.  All the fun and joy seeing another generation grow up. We love it, and are so proud of Brad and Anette for doing such a great job.
Magnus playing the bean bag game while swinging!

Magnus is a fish in the water and we had a great time together.
We've loved exploring with the new boat, which we named "Magnus".  We did lots of day trips plus overnight trips to Pender Island, Reid Harbour in the San Juans, Montague Harbour, Salt Spring Island and Todd Inlet.

Roche Harbour where we cleared Customs 
Hanging out at Montague Harbour on Galiano Island

Todd Inlet is a great place to catch Butchart Gardens' fireworks on Saturdays during the summer

Ganges Harbour on Salt Spring Island is the home of the famous Saturday Farmers Market.  The produce, baked goods and artisan products are fabulous.

August + Idaho + Family + Friends + Boating + The Festival = Non stop fun

We rented a cabin on Lake Pend O'Reille from August 1 - 17th, and on the way there, we stopped at Daphne and David Switzer's vacation home at Okanagan Falls on Skaha Lake.  We became friends with the Switzers while living in Qualicum Landing and the two fun filled days with them in the Okanagan made for a great bonding time. David and Daphne toured us around the wineries as well as on Skaha Lake with their Zodiac.  They were gracious hosts and we hope to reciprocate sometime soon.
A grand day touring the many wineries!
The cabin we rented was a little disappointing, but the location was fantastic.  First visitors were our nephew, Chris Kinley from San Diego, and our dear friends from Qualicum, Bev and Stu Shaw.  Chris had been in Idaho visiting us when he was about 8 years old, and it's safe to say, this trip topped the last one!

Breathtaking view from the deck
The following is just a snapshot of the 17 days we spent in a place that has been special to our family for 24 years.

The Festival at Sandpoint this year - one of our favourite things to do!  This year we saw Jackson Browne, and he put on a great concert.

He might be 70, but he played for a solid 2-1/2 hours.  Loved some of his political ballads, and I had to wonder if he realized who the crowd was he was singing to in Northern Idaho!
Left to right:  me, Chris, Bev and Stu. 
Somehow Paddy and Dave Carlson didn't make it into the picture but they were there too!
Most boaters know the gut wrenching sound of a prop hitting a big rock.  Fortunately, Roger was able to get another prop while the good one was getting fixed, so it didn't stop fun on the water.  I was glad that Stu and Chris were there to help Roger out.

Every year I knee board, thinking it will be the last time I can get up.  This year, it took 3 tries, and while I was feeling defeated with the first two failed attempts and thinking I was too old, I convinced myself to try one more time.  I did it, but oh Lord, I was in a world of pain for days afterwards!  Roger fared better than me and got up on his first try - well done!

I made it!

The aftermath......

Chris and Stu having a ball!

With Roger going more slowly, Stu and I had fun showing off!

Bev tubed for the first time, but admittedly enjoyed the gin and tonics more that were served to us when we stopped!

The Boys!

Bev sitting up with Roger as we headed home while the sun started to set
For any wannabe Redneck, you've got to play "Redneck Life" (a game that we found in the cabin).  The premise? The one with the most teeth at the end of the game wins!
Left to right:  Paddy Carlson, Bev and Stu
Paddy had played the game before and was a big help in helping us navigate through the hilarious rules!

The boys visited Pour Authority in Sandpoint while Bev and I shopped.

Chris - the gentle giant at 6'7".  Such a wonderful young man and we loved having him.  I think we wore him out!

Chris and the Shaws left, and then Anette and Magnus arrived!

Magnus was pretty stoked that the boat was named after him!
Magnus took to driving a boat like a pro.  He was also great at navigation and had a better sense of direction than I did! 
A trip to Bottle Bay for burgers is always on the agenda!

Anette brought this great game called, Mollky.  We played it for hours and is great for young and old.
This was a moment I had been waiting for:  Magnus tubing for the first time.  He wanted to go with me, and as Roger slowly took off, Magnus turned to me and said, "Nana, all my dreams are coming true!"  I replied, "Oh, Magnus - so are mine!"
There was no hesitation for Magnus - he loved it from the start!
Magnus got more brave as the week went on.  Roger had a ball with him, and took him fishing as well.

Anette and Obi relaxing on the boat

Cooling off in Lake Pend O'Reille --- nothing like it.

Magnus really got brave when Brad arrived on Friday and they had a great time on the tube. We love that Brad and Anette still like boating with us, and now we are making more special memories with Magnus.

The weekend Brad came, we also welcomed more neighbours from Sunhaven Road - Annette and Dwayne Majcher.  They've joined us in Idaho many times, and we love having them.  Dwayne brought his skis and got up both times he tried!

Getting ready to drop a ski -- not bad for a guy who is 67!
We were excited to take our friends, Jim and Kerri Martin, on the boat to Hope where we had a great lunch at the marina.  Jim and Kerri own the Beardmore Bistro Wine Bar & Tap House in Priest River, and we always enjoy their company.
Jim and Kerri

Having a few days on our own was fun -- but we sure missed the non-stop laughs we had when everyone was in the house.

We headed back to Brentwood Bay.....and this is where it gets finish packing.  WTH you say?? Didn't they just move?

We said last August that we would try living in the south part of the island for a year and then decide what to do.  When we moved to the townhouse in April, we thought if we had friends come visit, we'd feel more connected because we hadn't really forged any friendships with couples while living in Victoria or Brentwood Bay.  It basically backfired, because it just made us miss everyone even more.

So, after many sleepless nights, we decided to move back to the Parksville/Qualicum area.  And this is where life's puzzle really took shape.  I posted to a Facebook group that I was looking for a house to rent, and woke up in the morning to a message from a friend who just happened to have a house coming available on August 1st.  We rushed up the next day and snapped it up as it was close to the water, had 3 bedrooms, and a beautiful lawn and backyard.

Then a part-time job was posted for a Manager's Assistant at Building Learning Together, a non-profit educational outreach organization in Parksville where I had volunteered a year before.  It's a great organization, and the job description had all the things I love to do:  event planning, grant research and writing, volunteer recognition, etc.  I quickly applied, was interviewed early because of our trip to Idaho, and I start tomorrow!  It's 3 days a week, and follows the school year so I get summers off -- a dream job for sure.

In just a few days we've settled in, pictures are hung, we've met some neighbours and we've had visits with our friends.  I said to Roger today that I think one of the reasons I like the house so much is it reminds me of living on Sunhaven Road.  There's the same oak cabinetry and brass (although I've heard it's coming back in style!) and for once in a long time, we have to buy furniture to fill the rooms!  No more living in 800 sq feet and no more storage!  Roger loves the double garage, and the fact he can park the boat on the driveway.
Our new home at 807 Field Crescent, Parksville

Just a 5 minute walk to the beach and a 4 minute drive to my office!

Like any new experience should entail, we learned a few things:  we want to be in the Parksville/Qualicum area, we don't want to live in a strata, we like having more space so we don't have to have storage, and we want to be among our cherished friends.

Because what's the point of living in a beautiful city, when you don't have loved ones to share the good times with?

"Embrace uncertainty.  Some of the most beautiful chapters in our lives won't have titles until much later."
                                                                                  Bob Goff

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