Sunday, August 25, 2013

Farewell Idaho....G'day Australia!

This is usually a sad time of year.  Putting everything away at Rusty Tractor Springs is like taking down the Christmas tree.   But this time, there are great things to look forward to -- and not another unknown country.  I get to return to Australia and plan where we will go when Roger has time off.

But first, I get to make a "slight" detour to Calgary by going to Vancouver.  Any chance to see Brad, Anette and Magnus (o.k., we all accept Magnus is a mighty big draw) is something to look forward to.

Before heading off, I took a few parting shots.

For the second year, I've volunteered as a tutor at the Sandpoint Library.  They have a fabulous outreach program led by Elise Tuma and I've probably learned as much as the students.

This year, I had this adorable little girl, Lilly, who is entering Grade 1 and needed some reading help.  It was fun -- it was challenging --- and I'm convinced teachers are saints!  Elise and I brainstormed and found by tapping into Lilly's strong math skills, it actually helped her reading.
Elise, Lilly and me!

Lilly made great strides over the summer, and her mom has asked me to help her next year.  Something to look forward to!
I also helped at the Library's booth at the Bonner County Fair -- the theme, as you can tell was Dr. Seuss!
The last weekend guests at RTS were Whitney Walsh and Patricia Eyolfson.  Whitney is the daughter of dear friends, and I have known her since she was a toddler.  Whitney and Patricia spent Christmas day with us, and Brad and Anette in Bangkok while they were on time off from their teaching jobs in Australia where they were for a year.  The girls have a fabulous sense of adventure...of fun...and confidence that few their age possess.  I loved having them and hope they'll come back again.

L to R: Whitney and Patricia hanging out on the hammocks

The boats were already put away for the year, but they were happy to use the tube as a floating sun bed

The wasp invasion drove us inside for our last dinner
Before they took off, I had to take them to Priest River's iconic breakfast spot -- AJs.
Love the Logger size option just below the Egg Beaters or Egg Whites!
The river on a misty morning

We've packed in as many visits with Magnus this summer, because other than Skype visits, it will be a few months before we get to hold this precious bundle of joy.

While Brad was at work, I spent a wonderful day with Anette and Magnus.
We have contests to see who can laugh the loudest.  He's gaining on me.
Magnus loves standing in his jolly jumper and is getting a little bounce in his step!

I dare you not to smile back at this picture!!!!
So, with John Denver's song, "Leaving on a jet plane...don't know when I'll be back again....." playing a loop in my head, I head off to Australia, but more importantly, to Roger.  He'll be heading to camp for the start of the project shortly after I arrive, but it's a far cry from him leaving me behind in Madagascar 6-1/2 years ago.  I remember thinking "this expat thing is not going to work out like we thought it would --- I want to get out of here!"

I was right.  Pretty well nothing has gone according to how we thought it would.  But everything has worked out.  I'm glad I didn't bail.

"You can't stop the waves, but you can learn how to surf."
                                            Jon Kabat-Zinn

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