Sunday, November 14, 2010

No Fleas at this Market

A "must go" to place in Bogota, which had so far eluded us, is the Usaquen Flea Market - or in Spanish, Mercado de Pulgas.  I've been to flea markets before - but this one takes the cake.

Usaquen was once its own entity complete with a church dating back to the 1600's, a lovely plaza and cobbled streets but was swallowed up by Bogota in the 50's.  Now, it is home to an artisan market each Sunday alongside a very high end plaza with great stores and restaurants.
Usaquen Plaza with Santa Barbara church in the background

This little boy was having fun feeding the pigeons, running ahead, and then waiting for them to follow.

Just one of the areas where vendors sell their wares
The more we walked, the more groups of stalls and food vendors appeared.  Some of the houses even open up their front doors and sell food and drinks while going about their daily routines.

These bottles and shot glasses are made from cows hooves....a must have for any bar, verdad??

Kevin and Max walking by some of the houses that sell food out their front doors.

Wondering where you can by tacky religious icons?  Step right up.

Well one of the Three Little Pigs did mention the hairs on his chinny chin chin.

Roasted corn on the cob is popular in the streets of Bogota

A beautiful alley off the main street

Roger and I cracked up when we saw the "difference" in the mannequins of this Joe Boxer store...seriously!!!

We came to the Usaquen Flea Market not expecting much but several hours later we left happy that we explored this unique corner of Bogota.

 "All journeys have secret destinations of which the traveler is unaware." 
Martin Buber

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